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About Us

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San Luis Obispo (SLO) County Family-Friendly Workplaces is brought to you by the Family-Friendly Workplace (FFWP) Accelerator Program, hosted by the SLO Chamber of Commerce, and sponsored by First 5 SLO County and the County of SLO. The purpose of the program is to help businesses attract and sustain a strong, inclusive local workforce through the implementation of family-friendly workplace policies, and is built on the belief that increasing family-friendliness is essential to support business success, grow our economy, and to advance diversity, equity and inclusion in the workforce. The program will provide resources & support to all businesses throughout SLO County free of charge.


The FFWP Accelerator Program and FFWP Toolkit are both products of The We Are The Care Initiative (WATC). A grassroots effort, WATC arose from a desperate need for access to quality and affordable child care in SLO County.  Stewarded by First 5 SLO County, this Initiative is a collective of early childhood professionals, people from the business community, government employees and officials, and families who are collaborating to address our local childcare crisis. WATC believes that the suggested supportive practices increase organizational productivity AND support the physical and emotional health of employees and their families. We hope you consider steps to increase family-friendliness at your workplace. If you are interested in joining this initiative and to find out more about our work, that is available HERE or email us.


This website contains a summary of some of the potential options, programs, and initiatives your business may want to consider in developing a family-friendly workplace.  It does not discuss the legal or tax implications with respect to the potential options, programs, and initiatives. The materials available at this website are for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. You should contact a legal and tax professional prior to implementing any of these programs obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem.


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A special thanks and acknowledgement to Early Matters Greater Austin for inspiration, content, and support in the creation of this toolkit. 

Disclaimer: This document is being provided as a general guide to employers to consider implementing certain family-friendly policies and procedures within their respective organizations. This document is not an exhaustive list of programs, nor does it set out all of the legal or tax requirements with respect to certain programs. Before implementing any of the programs in this guide, employers should carefully consider the impact on the organization and should consult legal and/or tax counsel and their human resources professional. First 5 San Luis Obispo County does not provide legal advice or human resources consultation, and this document is not intended to, and should not be relied on to, provide legal or human resources advice.

Contact Us
SLO Family-Friendly Workplaces     805-786-2762


© 2021 FFWSLO

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